Monday, December 21, 2009
Organic Holidays
Here we are again. Nearing the end of 2009, getting ready to launch into 2010 and, hoping against hope that the economy improves, jobs get more plentiful, and our uneasy feelings are pushed aside and replaced with peace and goodwill.
I love almost all things organic, and I want to share this website and book with you, Organic Places to Stay by Linda Moss, a comprehensive guide to organic and sustainable holidays. It details places to visit (and stay) around the world that are eco-friendly and organic.
Enjoy the Inn at Valley Farms, a bed and breakfast in Walpole, New Hampshire, which is situated on 105 acres of certified organic farmland. Or, try a Macrocruise experience. Macrocruise is a sailing yacht charter with certified organic products on board. Macrocruise charters yachts from several bases along the Croatian coast, from Istria and the island of Krk in Northern Adriatic to Sibenik, Primosten, or Dubrovnik down south. They promote a lifestyle that includes the use of organic and environmentally friendly products for nutrition and households, as well as vegetarianism. When you arrive, you will find the fridge and shelves of your onboard kitchen stocked with organic groceries.
In addition to places to stay around the world, you’ll find a Marketplace listing tours, workshops, restaurants, green weddings, organic beer and, of course, a tractor driving lesson at the Gwarmacwydd Farm in Pembrokeshire. Even if you can’t find the time and money this year for a much needed vacation, maybe you’ll find it next year. This is a very worthwhile website to peruse when thinking of your next vacation.
Happy Holidays from Cypriana,
Susan Thomas
Visit Cypriana online for great gift ideas ~ natural and organic products for baby, bed & bath!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Start a New Holiday Tradition - Eliminate the Usual Gift Giving

Susan Thomas
Monday, December 7, 2009
Largest Crib Recall in U.S. History - Stork Craft Cribs

Another Crib Recall –
You would think the manufacturers would get it right by now. But not so. How can we change the course of what types of products manufacturers send to the stores? We either buy the product or we don’t buy the product. We as consumers make or break a sale. If we don’t like something, we don’t buy it and it goes away.
A baby crib is where our precious baby sleeps for several years. How can we ever think that it might also kill our precious child? The manufacturers of cribs need to be told to get it right and stop endangering our children. Mothers have a huge voice when it comes to protecting our children. We need to use this voice now.
We need to stop buying the drop side crib. Buy the crib with the stationary sides. If you buy a crib, and after assembly you think the crib is not safe, then take it back to the store and tell them the problem. It may be a hassle to take it back, but it could save the life of your child. If you buy a second hand crib, remember your child’s safety first. There are lots of dangerous drop side cribs sitting in someone’s garage waiting to be sold.
Largest crib recall in U.S. history announced
Suffocation danger tied to 2.1 million drop-side cribs made by Stork Craft.
Crib recall largest in history
Nov. 23: The Consumer Products Safety Commission is planning to announce the largest ever recall of more than 2 million baby cribs with dropdown sides. NBC's Tom Costello reports.
Nightly News
Government safety regulators say more than 2.1 million drop-side cribs by Stork Craft Manufacturing are being recalled, the biggest crib recall in U.S. history.
The Consumer Product Safety Commission says the recall involves 1.2 million cribs in the United States and almost 1 million in Canada, where Stork Craft is based.
Nearly 150,000 of the cribs on recall carry the Fisher-Price logo.
The agency is aware of four deaths of young children who suffocated in the cribs, which have a side that moves up and down to allow parents to lift children from the cribs more easily.
The Stork Craft cribs have had problems with their hardware, which can break, or with assembly mistakes by the crib owner.
The danger is that a child's head can get caught between the mattress and the side railing, if it separates from the crib.
This is not the first time cribs have been recalled due to such fears. Nearly 5 million cribs by several manufacturers have been recalled over the past two years, including half a million from Stork Craft earlier this year, and the CPSC has considered banning drop-down sides altogether.
"Drop-side cribs, because of the amount of hardware that's involved, because it weakens the structure of the crib itself have been involved in numerous deaths and injuries, crib failures where the side may come loose or come off," said Nancy Cowles, of the advocacy group Kids in Danger.
Stork Craft is one of the most widely purchased brand names in baby cribs , with products sold at some of the biggest retailers in the country, including Target, WalMart, Sears and Kmart.
CPSC urges parents and caregivers to immediately stop using the recalled cribs, wait for the free repair kit and avoid attempting to fix the cribs without the kit. They should find an alternative, safe sleeping environment for their baby. Consumers should contact Stork Craft to receive a free repair kit that converts the drop-side on these cribs to a fixed side.
The cribs, which were manufactured and distributed between January 1993 and October 2009, sold for between $100 and $400, and were made in Canada, China and Indonesia.
The manufacture date, model number, crib name, country of origin, and the firm's name, address and contact information are located on the assembly instruction sheet attached to the mattress support board. The firm's insignia "storkcraft baby" or "storkling" is inscribed on the drop-side teething rail of some cribs.

The cribs’ drop-side plastic hardware can break or deform, or parts can become missing. In addition, the drop-side can be installed upside-down, which can result in broken or disengaged plastic parts. All of these problems can cause the drop-side to detach in one or more corners. When the drop-side detaches, it creates space between the drop-side and the crib mattress. The bodies of infants and toddlers can become entrapped in the space, which can lead to suffocation. Complete detachment of drop-sides also can lead to falls from the crib.
CPSC, Health Canada and Stork Craft are aware of 110 incidents of drop-side detachment; 67 incidents occurred in the United States and 43 in Canada. The incidents include 15 entrapments, 12 in the U.S. and three in Canada. Four of the entrapments resulted in suffocation: a 7-month-old in Gouverneur, N.Y.; a 7-month-old in New Iberia, La.; a 6-month-old in Summersville, W.Va.; and a 9-month-old in Bronx, N.Y. Another 20 babies have fallen from their cribs.
Meanwhile, safety experts caution that cribs often stay in homes for generations. If you have one of the cribs in your basement that's been recalled in recent years, fix it or get rid of it. The full list of crib recalls is on the CPSC Web site.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Original story is from MSNBC.
Cypriana ~ natural and organic products for baby, bed & bath
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Comfort Yourself Organically During Labor

During pregnancy, it’s easy to think about everything you need to stay organic and keep your baby and yourself healthy. Labor is a whole different story. You need to pack that all important “labor bag,” a bag of everything you need for one of the most important days of your life. How can you make sure you have it all? Maybe your doctor or midwife gave you a list or maybe you did some research yourself. We decided to help you by providing a list of some of those “must have” items to take with you during that special-yet-crazy time:
• Lip balm. There are many options for organic lip balm available on the market. You may not realize it now, but your lips will become very dry; think of all of that labor breathing you will be doing. Keeping your lips moist helps so much with your comfort level. You will have a lot more important things to focus on.
• Lotion. Your lips aren’t the only thing that will be dry. Try one of our many lotion options before, during and after labor. This will help ease those moments of discomfort. Plus your partner will need something to do and a nice back rub will probably hit the spot.
• Towels. Yes, the hospital will have towels for you, but they will definitely not be organic. Sterile, yes, organic, don’t plan on it. You need towels for everything from keeping you cool, to keeping you dry. We offer many sizes and colors (to help from getting them mixed up with those rough, white towels at the hospital).
• Nightgown. Some hospitals will insist you wear those awful, itchy gowns. However, it is your choice, so why not be comfortable? You can find organic hospital gowns online; you can even find gowns ready to help you with nursing without the need of a nursing bra.
• Diaper bag. Even before your bundle of joy arrives, you will start lugging that all important bag. For your first few days, you will need diapers, baby’s going-home outfit, baby socks and hats and organic blankets. You want something durable, cute and, of course, organic. We have it all with so many options.
• Nausea relief. Using ginger root or organic hard candies helps relieve nausea. You can find both at most grocery stores. Have them on hand during labor and your miserable tummy will ease up quickly without any side effects to you or your baby.
Of course, this is a starter list of a few items you may need. Be sure to ask your doctor or midwife if she thinks there is anything else of importance that you should bring. We hope this list will ease your labor and make your day as easy as possible. Best wishes from Cypriana, your one-stop online shop for organic products for baby, bed and bath!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Comforting Moms-to-be

There are so many great organic foods available, but food is not all you will need. Keeping your skin and hair healthy is also important. Using products like our natural lotions, soaps and deodorants keep you healthy and will not be harmful to your baby. Comfort is also important. Our organic linens will help to keep you comfortable without irritating your skin. We also offer BellySocks for those clothing comforts.
Keeping your mind and body free of stress both internally and externally will make your pregnancy easier and more relaxed. The less stress you put on your body, the more comfortable your labor will be. Your baby’s health may be your number one concern, but your baby needs you to be healthy to thrive.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Going Green in 10 Easy Steps
1. Styrofoam cups – they are not biodegradable.
2. Paper towels – They waste resources. If you must use them, buy recycled, non-bleached products.
3. Bleached coffee filters – Look for unbleached filters or buy a coffee maker with a reusable filter.
4. Overpackaged foods and products – Look for products with minimal, recyclable or reusable packaging. For example, buy in bulk to cut down on packaging.
5. Teak and mahogany – Using these woods to make furniture contributes to the destruction of tropical rainforests. Instead, reuse wood, buy products made of salvaged materials or look for wood certified by the Forest Stewardship Council.
6. Chemical pesticides and herbicides – According to Green America, Americans use 80 million pounds of pesticides every year. Instead, buy organic pest controllers or utilize native plants like flowers and herbs that act as natural pesticides.
7. Conventional housecleaners – Skip the harsh, hazardous household chemicals. Instead make your own natural and organic cleaners. See our previous blog post for ideas on how to make your own.
8. Higher octane gas – To reduce pollution, buy the lowest octane gas necessary for your vehicle. Other alternatives include buying a hybrid, using publication transportation or carpooling, biking or walking to work.
9. Toys made with PVC plastic – A chemical used to make PVC plastic is a known carcinogen, as are some of the additives in PVC plastic. Avoid plastics labeled PVC or #3. Instead, look for #1 and #2 plastics that are easier to recycle and produce fewer toxins.
10. Plastic forks and spoons – These items are convenient but not typically recyclable. Consider buying compostable silverware or bring your own from home.
Susan Thomas
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
Shop our online store now for all-natural and organic products for baby, bed & bath!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Websites We Like
The Green Guide – This National Geographic site offers “going green” facts, buying guides, informational articles and more.
National Green Pages – a directory of screened & approved green businesses
Climate Action – Green America’s Climate Action Campaign
Fair Trade Action – Economic action to create a just global economy for farmers and artisans
LEAF Certified – Labeling Ecologically Approved Fabrics (LEAF)
Responsible Shopper – An online guide to promoting a responsible economy
Cypriana Home – As an online retailer, we are proud to offer products for baby, bed and bath that are all-natural or organic.
Susan Thomas
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
Shop our online store now for all-natural and organic products for baby, bed & bath!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
8 Body Care Toxins to Avoid
1. Mercury and thimerosal
2. Lead or lead acetate
3. Nanoparticles
4. Placenta
5. Hydroquinone skin lightener
6. Phthalates
7. Petroleum by-products (e.g., 1,4-dioxane)
8. Fragrance
Thanks to Green America for providing these useful tips for going green.
Susan Thomas
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
Shop our online store now for all-natural and organic products for baby, bed & bath!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Cypriana's Kent Store is Closing
This is a sad day for Cypriana, but we have to tell you that, due to the current economic conditions, we have decided to close our downtown Kent store. Our closing date is October 30, 2009.
Storewide sales are happening now:
Towels and Bedding - 30% discount
All other items - 20% discount
Furniture & Fixtures - Priced as marked
Our website will continue to operate, and you may order 24/7 through the web store.
Thank you for your support.
Susan Thomas, Cypriana
Friday, September 25, 2009
New Jammies Rompers
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Cypriana’s Anniversary Sale - Only 10 days Left to Shop
Cypriana’s organic baby line includes essentials for babies and new parents, and they make great gifts, too! Shop today and save 20%, now through September 30, 2009. Don’t see what you’re looking for? Please ask us. If we don’t carry your favorite natural or organic products, we’ll research them for you!
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Is Your Office “Green” Yet?
• Optimize your computer to maximize its energy-saving features. Try using stand-by mode or allowing your monitor to shut down if it hasn’t been used for 10 minutes or more.
• Unplug peripherals like scanners and printers when not in use and shut down your computer at the end of the day.
• Use less paper by only printing items that must be printed.
• Use the back side of old, noncritical documents for scrap paper or notes.
• Store documents electronically instead of printing them out. Store your documents online by creating meaningful, named folders in your My Documents folder: (2009 Meeting Notes, ABC Company marketing notes, Incorporation Documents, 2008 tax return, etc.).
• Utilize your printer’s double-sided printing feature.
• If you commute, try carpooling, bicycling or using mass transit.
• Pack a healthy lunch and snacks in environmentally-friendly containers. You’ll save time and money while helping to save the planet.
• Instead of drinking bottled water, bring your own filtered water from home in a recyclable, chemical-free water bottle.
Thanks to the GOGREEN blog for some of these great suggestions, and please pass them onto your co-workers, friends and family. Together we can make a difference!
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
Friday, September 11, 2009
First Avenue Block Party TODAY!
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Now Carrying FrenchyBaby, Organic Baby Clothing
• Pesticide free
• Herbicide free
• Sustainable land use
• Eco-friendly dyeing
If you aren’t sold yet, 5% of the company’s profits go to charities that help children. And now, through the end of September, all of our merchandise is 20% storewide, including our FrenchyBaby line. Shop Cypriana today and discover the wonderful world of organic baby, bedding and bath products!
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
Thursday, September 3, 2009
First Avenue Block Party
In celebration of our first anniversary, Cypriana will remain open Friday night until 8 p.m. and will offer refreshments along with our anniversary sale. Stop by Cypriana during the block party and save 20% off storewide on all of our merchandise, except our custom slipcovers. The block party is a fun, community-oriented event so come out, meet your neighbors and enjoy food, refreshments and entertainment in historic downtown Kent!
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Shop during Cypriana’s September Anniversary Sale – Save 20% Storewide
Cypriana’s organic baby line includes essentials for babies and new parents, and they make great gifts, too! Shop today and save 20%, now through September 30, 2009. Don’t see what you’re looking for? Please ask us. If we don’t carry your favorite natural or organic products, we’ll research them for you!
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Cypriana Celebrates Anniversary, Launches Webstore for Natural & Organic Baby, Bed & Bath Products
Cypriana Celebrates Anniversary, Launches Webstore for Natural & Organic Baby, Bed & Bath Products
Kent, Washington, August 25, 2009 – To celebrate Cypriana’s first year in business, owner Susan Thomas announced a storewide anniversary sale of 20% off all merchandise during the month of September. The sale includes all in-stock merchandise including DreamSacks bedding, Area

“I’m passionate about providing natural, chemical-free and organic products to the Seattle community. Some of these products are difficult to find though, so I want to make them available to consumers outside Seattle as well,” Thomas said.
In an effort to live a healthier lifestyle, Thomas, a cancer survivor, developed the concept for Cypriana as she tried different natural, chemical-free and organic products. She opened her store in downtown Kent in September 2008 to offer difficult-to-find natural and organic products to others who, for a variety of reasons, want to eliminate toxins and other chemicals from their lives. Thomas also created a blog,, to offer information about ways to go green, shift to a more ecofriendly lifestyle, list product recalls, explain why organic cotton is better and more.
“There is such a need for this type of information,” Thomas said, “But you have to know where to look for it.”
Though the economy has impacted her business, Thomas has a steady flow of traffic and her product lines remain popular, especially the organic baby clothing, bedding and accessories.
“The babies keep coming and parents want the very best products for their babies,” Thomas said. “Cypriana offers a wide range of organic and natural products for babies including clothing, bedding, toys, diapers and more. These products cost a little more, but parents can rest assured that their babies are getting top quality merchandise they can feel good about.”
Located at 205 First Avenue South in downtown Kent, Cypriana specializes in providing natural and organic products for baby, bed and bath. It is one of the few stores in the Kent area to carry such items. In addition to the brick-and-mortar store which is open Tuesday through Saturday, Cypriana now offers an online store which is open 24/7 so customers can shop at their convenience. The September anniversary sale applies to all merchandise, except for Cypriana’s custom-made slipcovers. For more information, visit the store online at
Please contact Cypriana for additional information or to schedule media interviews.
Susan Thomas, owner
Cypriana, the natural home store
205 First Avenue South
Kent, WA 98032
Monday, August 24, 2009
Safety in the Nursery
Unlike the flowers in our yard that start their buds in spring and die off in the winter, the babies keep coming. Year round, all four seasons, 24/7, they keep coming. Because of these precious bumps in the bellies and my own two baby boys (married men now, but still my babies), I am more inclined to post blogs having to do with babies.
As a side step…If you have questions about products that are organic, natural, green or earth-friendly and you can’t find the product or any information on the product, please contact me. I am continually researching products, and I’ll do my best to get results for you.
Continuing with babies – I am always concerned with safety issues, whether we’re young or old or caregivers for the young or old, we need to be reminded of things that are not safe. Here are some safety tips for the nursery.
• Install a smoke alarm in the room.
• Play it safe with electrical cords. Don’t run them under the carpet, and don’t let them dangle from a tabletop or dresser - keep away from tiny hands.
• Install outlet caps and covers on all electrical outlets.
• If you have an area carpet or rugs, make sure you and your little one can’t trip on the edges.
• Keep the crib far enough away from any window so that the baby can’t grab any cords, curtains or blinds or try to climb out the window.
• Use only blinds and shades without looped cords. Accidental hangings do happen.
• Install childproof locks on drawers and cabinets
• Make sure furniture is assembled properly. Always check for loose nuts and bolts.
• Your baby’s ability to pull herself or himself up on the crib rails will likely coincide with teething schedules. To protect your child from swallowing paint or varnish chips, install snap-on crib rail protectors.
• Keep the side rails up at all times when the baby is in the crib.
• Hang a mobile in the crib but out of the reach of the baby. Once the baby can stand, remove the mobile from the crib and hang it from the ceiling in a corner of the room - much higher than your baby can reach.
• Remove small objects and toys with small parts that the baby might swallow.
• Use a monitor to listen to the baby when you’re away from the room.
• Follow the recommendations of the Consumer Product Safety Commission regarding cribs and recalls on baby and children’s products.
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
Thursday, August 20, 2009
We're now on Twitter
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
Specializing in natural and organic products for baby, bed and bath!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
The BLV’s to All Natural Home Cleaning
Baking Soda
Baking soda can be used to scrub surfaces in much the same way as commercial abrasive cleaners. It also works great as a natural deodorizer. Simply place a box in the refrigerator and freezer to absorb odors. You can also place a box in any other area of your home that needs deodorizing (e.g., laundry room, litter box).
Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is another natural substance that can be used to maintain a clean and fresh home. It can be used to dissolve soap scum and hard water deposits, to clean and shine brass and copper, or mixed with vinegar and/or baking soda to make cleaning pastes. For a simple, natural cleaning solution, cut a lemon in half, sprinkle baking soda on the cut section, and use to scrub dishes, surfaces and stains. You can even mix 1 cup of olive oil with ½ cup of lemon juice to obtain a natural furniture polish for your hardwood furniture. Lemons also work great in the garbage disposal to freshen the drain and the kitchen.
Vinegar cleans like an all-purpose cleaner. Mix a solution of one-part water to one-part vinegar in a clean spray bottle and you have a solution that will clean most areas of your home. Vinegar is not only a natural cleaning product, but it works just as well as a disinfectant and deodorizer. Always make sure to test this natural cleanser on an inconspicuous area to ensure quality and safety of use. Vinegar is safe to use on most surfaces, but be careful when using on tile grout and never use on marble surfaces.
Try the above items as natural cleaning products for your home. While just as easy as the ABCs, the BLVs offer a simple, natural alternative to home cleaning.
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
10 Easy Tips to Reduce Home Water Usage
1. Check faucets, pipes, and toilets for leaks.
2. Install water-saving shower heads and low-flow faucet aerators, or simply take shorter showers. Soap up, wash down and rinse off.
3. Turn off the water after you wet your toothbrush.
4. Use your dishwasher and clothes washer for only full loads.
5. When washing dishes by hand, don’t leave the water running for rinsing.
6. Don’t let the faucet run while cleaning your organic vegetables. Just rinse them in a stoppered sink or a pan of clean water.
7. Keep a bottle of drinking water in the fridge. Cool water beats the heat and keeps us hydrated, but running tap water to cool it off for drinking is wasteful.
8. Use native plantings and plant drought-resistant lawns, shrubs and plants.
9. Put a layer of mulch around trees and plants. Mulch will slow evaporation of moisture while discouraging weed growth.
10. Use a broom, not a hose, to clean driveways and sidewalks.
Reducing home water consumption means money less spent on the utility bill. But perhaps more importantly, water conservation helps prevent water pollution in nearby lakes, rivers and local watersheds. Overloading municipal sewer systems can cause untreated sewage to flow to lakes and rivers. The smaller the amount of water flowing through these systems, the lower the likelihood of pollution.
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
Friday, August 7, 2009
Recall of Baby Floats and Cribs
The U. S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recently announced the voluntary recall of two consumer products: Inflatable Baby Floats and Simplicity Drop Side Cribs. The baby floats are being recalled because they pose a drowning risk: the leg straps in the seat of the float can tear causing children to unexpectedly fall into or under the water. Recall of the side cribs is due to the cribs’ plastic hardware, which can break or deform, thereby causing the drop side to detach and potentially lead to an infant’s entrapment and suffocation.
Aqua-Leisure Industries manufactures the Inflatable Baby Floats. The recalled floats were sold in a variety of styles and colors. For more information, consumers are urged to contact Aqua-Leisure at (866) 807-3998; or, visit To date, there have been over 30 reports of float seats tearing. No injuries have been reported.
Simplicity Drop Side Cribs are manufactured in China and distributed by Simplicity, Inc. and SFCA, Inc. According to the CPSC recall notice, the two firms no longer conduct day to day operations. The recall includes several different models of cribs. For more information, consumers are urged to contact the CPSC Recall Hotline at (800) 638-2772; or, visit To date, at least one death involving an 8-month-old child has been linked to the recalled cribs.
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
The ABCs of a Healthy, Green Baby Shower
Especially during pregnancy, it’s usually best to keep it simple, healthy, and pure. Here’s our simple approach - with help from the ABC’s - to plan a baby shower that celebrates the life and health of the baby, as well as the Earth she’ll be living on.
Ask everyone to forgo fragrance. Avoid exposure to phthalates by making it clear in your invitations that this event is scent-free.
Buy eco-friendly decorations. Use potted plants, artfully arranged twigs, rocks and shells or even crystal bowls filled with seasonal fruit (a la Martha Stewart) for lovely, natural decorations.
Clean up using eco-friendly supplies. Look for natural products or use kitchen ingredients like baking soda and vinegar.
Dish up food on compostable or reusable dishware. Use your good china to really make the day feel special (and reduce an enormous amount of waste). Or go second best by using eco-friendly disposables. Check out The Biodegradable Store, Earthshell, or Royal Chinet.
E-vite your guests. Using email invitations (like is a great way to quickly get the word out and track RSVPs. It’s also better for the environment (no paper, no waste, no fuel emissions from sending invites, etc).
Find the most natural setting. If you can have it outside, great! If not, at least choose a venue that will respect your green ideas.
Get your green game on. Choose waste-free games and provide green prizes like natural personal care products or soy candles.
Have a good time. This goes without saying, but really – after all this planning - just enjoy yourself during the party.
Inform your guests that this is a green shower. Make sure your requests are clear, so none of your guests feel awkward from missing the memo.
Judge not. Make sure that no matter what shade of green a guest is, she feels welcome and appreciated.
Know your guests. Some may take a little more cajoling to make the green jump.
Look for local. Whether it’s food or flowers, try to find all of the products you need from local vendors.
Need help? Ask! Hosting a green baby shower can take a lot of preparation. Have a team to help.
Opt for organic. Look for foods and beverages with the USDA Certified Organic seal.
Plan far in advance. Coordinating any type of party takes time. When you’re trying to make it as healthy and green as possible, you should start even earlier.
Quench your thirst with pure beverages. Keep mom and all her adoring guests healthily hydrated with filtered water (not bottled). Have a pitcher and plenty of glassware available.
Register for green gifts. Make it easy for your guests to find the perfect green gift by having the mom-to-be register at on-line stores such as Cypriana, Maple Grace, Our Green House or Better for Babies.
Strive for zero-waste. Use dishware instead of disposables. Look for products and packaging that are recyclable or compostable.
Try not to get neurotic. Do what you can and let go of what you can’t.
Unwrap. Encourage guests to rethink wrapping. Use a baby blanket, a pretty silk scarf, or a recycled paper gift bag.
Ventilate. Keep fresh air flowing by opening a window (even just a crack, for a few minutes if it’s winter.)
Write eco-friendly thank yous. Use e-cards to send your thank yous. Some services will even allow you to embed a video. (Your guests would love to see your new baby!)
eXamine gifts. I know you’re never supposed to look a gift horse in the mouth, but after your guests leave, decide which gifts are keepers. Just because your Aunt Mary gave you a bottle of expensive baby lotion (with risky chemical ingredients) doesn’t mean you should slather your new baby in it for sentiment’s sake.
Yank some plugs. (Hey, there aren’t many verbs that start with “y”.) Save some energy by unplugging unnecessary electronics and appliances.
Zip your memories. Have everyone email you their images and video and then zip them into a file to send to everyone else. You’ll save the memories of the day and save paper and chemicals by allowing everyone to only print what they love.
Source: Healthy Child Health World, posted by Stephen Franson, written by Christopher Gavigan

If you are not currently subscribed to Cypriana's monthly newsletter, you can sign up on the right hand side of the blog or send your name and email address to us, and we’ll add you right away! If you sign up now, we’ll send you a coupon for 10% off your next purchase.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Cypriana’s web store is now open!
At both our store in downtown Kent and our virtual location, our mission is to offer quality products that are environmentally-friendly and home healthy while supporting fair trade. Our new web store will feature the same great customer service you expect from Cypriana, as well as our growing knowledge about the benefits of natural fiber and eco-friendly products.
At Cypriana, we are committed to providing safe, quality products that are gentle on you, your baby and the Earth. Stop by our cyber-store today to see what’s new at Cypriana!
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
The Making of a Green Mom
I’ve always been a pretty sustainably-minded person. My father is a professor at UCLA whose specialty is Native American literature; I grew up going to pow-wows and taking cross-country trips to the Badlands. My nickname in college was, embarrassingly, “Flower.”
But, like most of us, my eco-focus stopped at water conservation and recycling. I bought conventional cleaning products because that’s what I was used to—even though I saw the “natural” cleaners on the same shelf, I wrote their claims off as marketing rather than turning over the bottles and comparing the labels.
I didn’t really make the connection between the environmental impact of how I lived until I met Christopher Gavigan at Healthy Child Healthy World. I was nine months pregnant with my third child, and we met to discuss my how I could become involved with the organization once the baby was born.
We sat in his no-VOC painted office filled with oxygen-emitting plants and as he explained to me what his mission and focus was I basically had a panic attack. We talked about lead and VOCs in paint, furniture and carpets; I was in the process of remodeling my house and had been living and working as the workmen stripped old paint and installed new carpets. He told me about pesticides and how they work their way up the food chain; I vowed to eat less meat and make it organic, and to buy locally produced food as much as possible. I went home and got rid of all my chemical cleaning products after learning how much they contributed to indoor air pollution. When my baby was born, I took Christopher’s advice and used BPA-free bottles after breast-feeding. With the other two babies I had used disposable diapers; with this one I alternated between cloth, flushable inserts and chlorine-free disposables in a pinch.
I started doing my own research. And I quickly realized how much of an impact the things I bought for myself and my family have on the environment—and the marketplace. For example, most clothing is made of cotton, which is one of the most heavily sprayed crops in the world, accounting for 25 percent of all pesticides used in the U.S. according to the Sustainable Cotton Project. It takes an astounding one-third of a pound of pesticide to make one t-shirt and two-thirds to make a pair of jeans. (Dump a pound of flour into a bowl and keep that visual in mind the next time you go shopping.)
Let’s say one manufacturer makes the decision to buy conventional cotton, and a second manufacturer decides to make a similar t-shirt in organic cotton. They make the shirts, and put them side-by-side in a store. Now if everyone in that store has made the decision to not buy conventional cotton t-shirts but buy organic cotton instead, that regular cotton t-shirt will go unsold and the other will sell out. The next time the first manufacturer goes to make his shirts, hopefully he'll choose organic cotton. The organic cotton farmer will have more business. There will be more competition in organic cotton and the price will go down. And so on.
This analogy could be applied to food, makeup, furniture, clothing, cars—I was astounded at how simple and easy it was for me to think outside of the box when it came to shopping. Just putting a fresh perspective on it also helped me look closer at whether I truly needed something, or just wanted it. When I did end up in a shopping situation, I looked at labels and origin and typically ended up putting back on the rack what I might in the past have purchased.
So I stopped buying so much. And when I did, I tried to buy clean and green. Organic cotton denim. Paraben-free makeup. Recycled gold jewelry. Formaldehyde-free nail polish. When other women complimented me on what I was wearing, I told them, and typically they were amazed when they realized the eco-options that were out there. It’s no longer about granny panties and granola. Sustainable style is today’s haute couture.
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Saving the planet one orange peel at a time

Did you know you can use orange peels to clean your fingernails? Yeah, just turn over the peel where you'll find the soft white side and just dig your fingernails into it. It's a great way to clean out any dirt and grime and also add a nice citrusy smell.
Have you ever heard of a stock box? Well now you have and it's a great way to make vegetable broth with your orange peels. Just get a plastic bin and add any fruit or vegetable left overs, like your orange peels, to it and put it in the freezer. After your bin is full, add the contents to a soup pot covering it with water and boil it down You now have a great vegetable stock for soup or anything else like pilaf.
I have a coworker who loves to go camping so she would probably find this next orange peel idea very useful. You can use fresh orange peels to help you start a fire. Orange peels are loaded with highly flammable oil that will help you start your camp fire and make your campsite smell nice too!
If you have cats, you can use orange peels to keep them out of areas you don't want them to roam. They're not fans of the citric acid and oils in the peel so they'll shy away from them. Just leave them in areas you don't want your cats to go.
If you love the smell of citrus, you can dry out the peels to make sachets for yourself or as a nice gift. You can even use shreds of dried out orange peels in soap for a gentle abrasive as well as giving your soap a nice citrusy scent.
Overall, don't forget you can just throw your orange peels in a compost box. Definitely a great way to "green" your lifestyle. There are so many great ways to use an orange peel that you no longer need to just throw them in the trash. Remember, "reduce, reuse, recycle"!
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
The Kemby Sidekick is a stylish, two-in-one diaper bag
This stylish two-in-one bag can be used as a diaper bag as well as a baby carrier. Some of its many features include: separate compartment for diapers and wipes, changing pad, roomy pockets, key clip, cell phone pocket, wipes case and more.
Available in three colors – blue, green and brown – the Sidekick is made with baby-friendly fabric that easily wipes clean. It is designed to hold babies with good head control up to 35 pounds, and it can be worn three ways: over the shoulder, across the shoulder or around the waist.
If you are a new mom or dad or know an expectant couple, you need a Sidekick. Stop by Cypriana in downtown Kent to get yours today!
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
What do you give the graduate?
No matter what your graduate will be doing next, a DreamSacks comforter or throw is an ideal gift. Made with bamboo, DreamSacks products are a thoughtful way to wrap your graduate in warmth and softness, no matter where life takes him or her. DreamSacks come in a handful of neutral colors to match any décor and style, and they wash up beautifully. If you’ve never felt bamboo fabric, stop by Cypriana today to see why DreamSacks make perfect graduation gifts. One touch and you’ll be convinced!
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Lots to Say Baby – healthy pacifiers with a message
Made by Lots to Say Baby in Germany, our new pacifiers are simply precious. Adorned with clever sayings like Heaven Sent, Volume Control, Pull to Sound Alarm and .calm, these pacifiers are BPA, Phthalate and PVC-free. Cute as a button and affordably priced, you’ll want to keep several on hand. They also make great gifts or “extras” tied to the top of your baby gift for the parents-to-be.
Monday, June 15, 2009
If you have a toddler, you need an On-the-Go potty!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Area linens are heavenly!
These sheets may be a little pricier than standard household linens, but they are made to last and are so wonderfully soft. They’re clean, simple and worth it.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Kalencom Diaper Bags are eco-friendly and stylish!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Leave Dirt at the Door: How Taking Off Your Shoes Can Improve Your Health

In many cultures it's customary to remove your shoes before entering a home for spiritual or practical reasons.
And as a mom, I encourage the practice because I want a clean home. But taking off your shoes not only helps keep your home cleaner, it also helps keep it healthier. Think about it. Where have the bottom of your shoes been? If you've stopped to fill up your car, you can track home gasoline on your feet. If you've walked through a freshly treated lawn or putting green, you can track home toxic pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Seemingly benign dirt can have traces of lead in it. You walk through it, then you walk through your home leaving traces on your rug, your baby crawls past, and then stops to put her hand in her mouth. Get the picture?
The professional cleaning industry estimates that we track 85% of the dirt in our homes in from the outside on our shoes or paws of pets. In a recent warning about lead exposure, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) specifically recommends that shoes remain outside the house. According to a report called The Door Mat Study, lead-contaminated soil from the outside causes almost all the lead dust inside homes. It notes that wiping shoes on a mat and removing them at the door cuts lead dust by 60 percent. The study explains that limiting the amount of dust and track-in may also help reduce exposure to lawn and garden pesticides, wood smoke and industrial toxins, mutagens, dust mites, and allergens.
Wiping our shoes off as we enter the home reduces the amount of contaminated dirt tracked in. Large mats, that cover two or three strides, will ensure that even those that refuse to wipe will leave most of the dirt clinging to their shoes on the mat rather than your carpet
The BEST solution is to take off your shoes as you enter your home. It is a good excuse to buy some great socks or slippers. And your flooring will stay clean as well as keep dirt and potential toxic threats from getting into carpets. If going shoeless is not acceptable to family members, suggest that they wear house shoes (that don't go outside), slippers or socks.
And walking around in soft slippers, socks, or barefoot does another wonderful thing - it helps us relax and unwind.
EPA, Lead in Paint, Dust and Soil
Housekeeping Solutions, Floor Care: Rolling Out the Welcome Mat
Small Property Owners of America, The Door Mat Study
Susan Thomas, owner
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
Friday, May 22, 2009
Cypriana Newsletter Archives
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Cypriana prefers organically-grown cotton
There has been some controversy surrounding the effects to humans of using GMOs on an ongoing basis. Infants and children are especially susceptible to any harmful effects of GMOs, because they are growing and changing at a rapid rate and have fewer defenses against the toxins contained in GMOs.
Recently, however, fiber farmers in the United States, Egypt, India and other countries have been raising cotton organically without the use of costly, often ineffective and dangerous chemicals. Many growers and manufacturers of organic fabrics are devoted to developing alternative sources of the world’s favorite natural fiber.
As part of our commitment to making the world a healthier place, Cypriana will offer its customers products made with organically-grown cotton whenever possible.
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
"Think Spring" with Slipcovers from Cypriana

If you are ready to put away those heavier winter fabrics and try a lighter look this season, consider recovering your furniture or having slipcovers made for your pillows, duvet or bedding. Slipcovers are an easy, affordable way to revamp your look for spring!
Stop by Cypriana to see our selection of traditional and organic fabrics. With hundreds of fabrics to choose from in a variety of price ranges, you’re sure to find a design that you love.
Think spring,
Susan Thomas
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
The Many Benefits of Cloth Diapers

Today’s cloth diapers are very different from the leaky, bulky, inconvenient diapers of the past. The modern cloth diaper is available with different absorbent liners, disposable liners and outer waterproof covers. Cloth, especially organic cotton, tends to be gentler on baby’s sensitive skin and has the added benefit of causing less environmental damage. While protecting your baby’s bottom, you can protect your own bottom line knowing that cloth diapers cost less over a two or three year period than disposables.
If you find cloth diapers to be the best choice for your family, consider the Mother-ease Diaper system available at Cypriana. These diapers are available in 100% organic cotton and are manufactured using 100% green power.
Read our October 21, 2008 blog post, “Mother-ease Diaper System Now at Cypriana” to learn more about this environmentally-friendly choice for your baby’s diapering needs.
Susan Thomas
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Three Ways to Go Green This Spring!
1) Use all natural body products: When shopping for personal care items, choose items that are made from natural plant-based ingredients. Look for these certifications – The Biological Farmers of Australia (BFA), Ecocert, BDIH, USDA Certified Organic, the Natural Products Association and the Leaping Bunny label – to ensure quality, all-natural products.
2) Trade in your current toilet for a water-saving model with the EPA’s WaterSense Label on it. These toilets use no more than 1.28 gallons of water per flush, dramatically reducing your home’s water usage each year.
3) Replace your table linens with organic fabric table cloths. Conventionally-grown cotton often contains pesticides which can be harmful. Instead, exchange your old cotton linens for organic table linens. You’ll find that they are not only healthier to use, but they are just as attractive as traditional fabrics.
With a little creativity and ingenuity, you can transform your life into a “green one.” You can feel good about your choices. Your neighbors and the environment will thank you.
Go green this spring!
Susan Thomas
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
Monday, April 20, 2009
Great Green Careers - Jobs for a Greener World
Visit Great Green Careers. We have green jobs in every area – from solar installers to ecologists! Post your resume and get in front of green employers now. Set up job alerts to have updates about job openings mailed directly to your inbox. Track and save your job applications and much more.
Despite the current recession, there are more green job opportunities now than ever before, including hot careers in wind power, HVAC, environmental engineering, transportation, facilities retrofitting and more. You can find the opportunity you want today at Great Green Careers.
Great Green Careers was created by Natural Home to help you find meaningful work in the new green economy. All job seeker services are absolutely free. And remember, if you post your resume in the next 30 days, we’ll send you a complimentary copy of Finding a Green Collar Job, our new e-book!
So what are you waiting for? Go to Great Green Careers today and start your green career!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Earth Day is April 22: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Practice the three R's: first reduce how much you use, then reuse what you can, and then recycle the rest. Then, dispose of what's left in the most environmentally friendly way. Read the tips below and explore the Consumer's Handbook for Reducing Solid Waste.
Buy permanent items instead of disposables.
Buy and use only what you need.
Buy products with less packaging.
Buy products that use less toxic chemicals.
Repair items as much as possible.
Use durable coffee mugs.
Use cloth napkins or towels.
Clean out juice bottles and use them for water.
Use empty jars to hold leftover food.
Reuse boxes.
Purchase refillable pens and pencils.
Participate in a paint collection and reuse program. For information on handling household solid waste, visit Wastes, What You Can Do (
Donate extras to people you know or to charity instead of throwing them away.
Reuse grocery bags as trash bags.
Recycle paper (printer paper, newspapers, mail, etc.), plastic, glass bottles, cardboard, and aluminum cans. If your community doesn't collect at the curb, take them to a collection center.
Recycle electronics. (
Collecting Used Oil for Recycling / Reuse.
Compost food scraps, grass and other yard clippings, and dead plants.
Close the loop - buy recycled products and products that use recycled packaging (PDF) (13 pp, 1.6 MB). That's what makes recycling economically possible.
Susan Thomas
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Mark Your Calendars: Wine, Women, Wow - May 8

Tickets are available now for $21 each, or $26 at the door. Proceeds will benefit the Kent Downtown Partnership and the YWCA's Domestic Violence Program. Mark your calendars - you don't want to miss this great "girls only" event!
For more info. or to purchase your tickets, visit Wine, Women, Wow online or call the Kent Downtown Partnership at 253-813-6976. We hope to see you there!
Susan Thomas
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Organic Products Help Protect Against the Dangers of Pesticides

The truth is, that while on the surface non-organic fruits and vegetables appear to be the same, they are usually harboring hidden pesticides. The danger is real and the U.S. government, along with international government agencies, has acknowledged that various pesticides can cause damage to the nervous system, carcinogenic effects, hormone system effects, and irritation to the skin, eyes and lungs.
The Environmental Working Group has tested 47 popular fruits and vegetables to determine those fruits and vegetables which contain the most contaminants. This suggests that those fruits and vegetables at the top of the list, and therefore with the highest pesticide content, should be purchased exclusively from the organic section of the store in order to protect your health.
The top 12 “dirty” or pesticide-ridden fruits and vegetables, according to the Environmental Working Group are:
1. Peaches
2. Apples
3. Bell Peppers
4. Celery
5. Nectarines
6. Strawberries
7. Cherries
8. Kale
9. Lettuce
10. Grapes (Imported)
11. Carrots
12. Pears
For a complete listing and for the source of this material, visit the Environmental Working Group’s website.
Susan Thomas
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
Saturday, April 4, 2009
April is National "Donate Life" Month
National "Donate Life" Month was established in 2003. Every day in April, people across the U.S. make a special effort to celebrate the tremendous generosity of those who have saved lives by becoming organ, tissue, marrow, and blood donors and to encourage more Americans to follow their fine example.
Make it known that YOU want to be a donor
• Register with your State Donor Registry, if available.
• Say YES to donation on your driver's license.
• Tell your family, friends, physician, and faith leader that you want to be a donor.
• Fill out and sign a donor card, have it witnessed, carry it with you.
Tell someone the need is great and growing
• More than 98,000 people are in need of an organ for transplant.
• Each day, about 77 people get the organ transplant that gives them a second chance, but 17 to 19 others die because they did not receive an organ transplant.
• More than half the people on the waiting list for a donated organ are racial or ethnic minorities. Chances of getting a transplant increase if donor and recipient share the same racial/ethnic background.
Get involved: become a donation advocate
• Encourage your company, association, union, or other organizations to which you may belong to join the Workplace Partnership for Life.
• Promote and support work site donation campaigns.
• Tell your local high school about Decision Donation, a school program that educates students about donation.
• Participate in local National "Donate Life" Month events sponsored by your local organ procurement organization.
For more information about donating your organs, please visit
Susan Thomas
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Cypriana Brings a “Green” Twist to Downtown Kent
- DreamSacks bedding – luxuriously soft bedding made from bamboo
- Nandina towels – plush bath linens that are hypoallergenic, anti-microbial and eco-friendly
- Organics for baby – Under the Nile, EcoBaby Organics, Mother-ease diapers, and more
- Running Wild Spirit soaps and lotions – handmade in Washington
In addition to these and other natural products, Susan makes custom slipcovers in traditional and organic fabrics, as well as personalized embroidery. If you’re looking for a way to update your home’s look without replacing your furniture, stop by Cypriana to see all of the custom decorating options available.
Susan Thomas
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
Monday, March 23, 2009
Staging a Home on a Budget

Do you need a settee or ottoman recovered in a traditional fabric in a hard-to-match color? No problem. Want to recover a set of dining room chairs to modernize a room on a budget? We can do that too. At Cypriana, we have more than 40 years of sewing experience. No project is too big, too small or too challenging. Stop in today to see how we can help you stage your home beautifully!
Susan Thomas
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Baby bath products – safe or not?
If you plan to re-use a baby bath tub that belonged to someone else, check it closely for mold or mildew. If the bath tub has either of these odors, the tub should be tossed.
Check used bath toys, seats, rings and inflatable tubs for scratches or other signs of wear and tear. Scratches can harbor bacteria which might be harmful to your baby.

If you have a baby on the way or a friend or family member who is expecting, sign up for our Gift Registry or shop Cypriana to see our line of organic baby products for your baby including soaps, lotions, diaper cream, clothing, bedding, toys and more.
A safe baby is a happy one!
Susan Thomas
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Freshen your guest room with custom bedding
We have hundreds of fabrics to choose from including a selection of organic fabrics. We have something to fit every style and budget. Stop by Cypriana today and see how easily we can revive your guest room!
Susan Thomas
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
Thursday, March 5, 2009
More on crib safety
1. Safe cribs. Cribs manufactured after 2000 should be safe, provided it is not broken or been modified, and all of the pieces are intact.
2. Unsafe cribs. Cribs manufactured prior to 2000 had different safety standards, so avoid them. Of particular concern are cribs with cutouts in the headboard and those with corner posts over 16 inches which could pose serious safety risks.
3. Organic mattresses and organic mattress covers. If you save money by using a secondhand crib, consider spending the money you save on a chemical-free organic mattress or organic mattress cover. For more information on the value of an organic mattress like our Ecobaby mattress, visit our blog dated December 10, 2008.
Do you have a crib safety tip to share? If so, send them to me via e-mail or post a comment here. I’d love to hear your ideas on ensuring your babies’ safety.
To your baby’s health and safety,
Susan Thomas
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
The Importance of Crib Safety
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recently published a new Crib Safety article:
Building Baby Safety from the Ground Up
WASHINGTON, D.C. - A warm bath, lullaby and bedtime stories are staples in your child's nighttime routine. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) urges parents and caregivers to add a safe sleep environment to the daily routine of placing baby to sleep.
CPSC staff is aware of 97 crib related deaths from 2002 through 2004.
A CPSC staff analysis (pdf) of reports of deaths related to cribs found that about half of the deaths were in cribs containing pillows, quilts and other bedding. About half of these were due to suffocation when infants ended up face down on pillows or face down in a crib with pillows, quilts and other bedding.
Thirty-percent of crib deaths were attributed to entrapment between components of old cribs that were in bad condition, with broken or missing parts or loose hardware, and entrapment in spaces generated between the sides of a crib and an ill fitted mattress. The remainder of the deaths were associated with accessories situated in/around the crib (such as window cords or curtain tie backs), falls out of cribs, alterations made to cribs, or entrapment when the child became wedged between the crib and other furniture or a wall.
As CPSC works to remove defective products from the marketplace, parents and caregivers are being asked to take action as well.
The CPSC is urging parents:
• To reduce the risk of SIDS and suffocation, place baby to sleep on his or her back in a crib that meets current safety standards
• To prevent suffocation never use a pillow as a mattress for baby to sleep on or to prop baby's head or neck
• Infants can strangle to death if their bodies pass through gaps generated between loose components, broken slats and other parts of the crib and their head and neck become entrapped in the space.
o Do not use old, broken or modified cribs
o Regularly tighten hardware to keep sides firm
• Infants can suffocate in spaces generated between the sides of the crib and an ill fitted mattress; never allow a gap larger than two fingers at any point between the sides of the crib and the mattress
• Never place a crib near a window with blind or curtain cords; infants can strangle on curtain or blind cords.
• Properly set up play yards according to manufacturers' directions. Only use the mattress provided with the play yard. Do not add extra mattresses, pillows or cushions to the play yard, which can cause a suffocation hazard for infants.
• Routinely check nursery products against CPSC recall lists and remove recalled products from your home
• Sign-up for automatic e-mail recall notifications at
The CPSC has been working since 1973 to improve crib safety with the publication of mandatory standards for full-size cribs and non-full size cribs. CPSC staff has also been involved in the development of voluntary standards for cribs addressing issues such as corner posts and structural and mechanical failures. The work of the CPSC has contributed to an 86% decrease in crib-related deaths.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Freshen Your Furniture with Custom Slipcovers
The many advantages of slipcovers:
- Refreshing way to redecorate without the exorbitant costs of buying new furniture
- Offered in a wide range of fabrics and styles: traditional, contemporary, formal, ruffled, tailored, or casual
- Measured in your home, preventing the expense and hassle of transporting furniture and loss of use during redecoration
- Custom décor can be changed for seasons or holidays as all slipcovers are removable via a hidden zipper
- Easy to wash and remove, making slipcovers a perfect solution for families with children or pets
- Coordinating pillows and draperies can be easily designed to match
- Environmentally-conscious as existing furniture can be updated and reused
Custom slipcovers are a wonderful way to easily redecorate your home. Call or stop by Cypriana for a consultation today!
Cypriana ~ the natural home store