Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Is Your Office “Green” Yet?

A lot of consumers want to “go green” but they aren’t sure where to begin. When I made my transformation to a healthier, green lifestyle, I didn’t do it overnight. I started with one product at a time, trying new things and experimenting with new products until virtually everything I use is all-natural or organic. One way to begin the switch to “green” is by transitioning one area of your life, for example, your kitchen, your yard or maybe your office. If you want a greener officer, here are some thoughtful ways to incorporate healthier living into your daily work routine:

• Optimize your computer to maximize its energy-saving features. Try using stand-by mode or allowing your monitor to shut down if it hasn’t been used for 10 minutes or more.

• Unplug peripherals like scanners and printers when not in use and shut down your computer at the end of the day.

• Use less paper by only printing items that must be printed.

• Use the back side of old, noncritical documents for scrap paper or notes.

• Store documents electronically instead of printing them out. Store your documents online by creating meaningful, named folders in your My Documents folder: (2009 Meeting Notes, ABC Company marketing notes, Incorporation Documents, 2008 tax return, etc.).

• Utilize your printer’s double-sided printing feature.

• If you commute, try carpooling, bicycling or using mass transit.

• Pack a healthy lunch and snacks in environmentally-friendly containers. You’ll save time and money while helping to save the planet.

• Instead of drinking bottled water, bring your own filtered water from home in a recyclable, chemical-free water bottle.

Thanks to the GOGREEN blog for some of these great suggestions, and please pass them onto your co-workers, friends and family. Together we can make a difference!

Cypriana ~ the natural home store

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