Tuesday, May 12, 2009

"Think Spring" with Slipcovers from Cypriana

Now that spring is here, many of us are anxious to see the sunshine, plant some flowers or greenery, and do our proverbial “spring cleaning.” Whether you are cleaning house or just clearing the mental cobwebs, spring is also a great time to try a new look for your home.

If you are ready to put away those heavier winter fabrics and try a lighter look this season, consider recovering your furniture or having slipcovers made for your pillows, duvet or bedding. Slipcovers are an easy, affordable way to revamp your look for spring!

Stop by Cypriana to see our selection of traditional and organic fabrics. With hundreds of fabrics to choose from in a variety of price ranges, you’re sure to find a design that you love.

Think spring,

Susan Thomas
Cypriana ~ the natural home store

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