Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Going Green in 10 Easy Steps

We’ve said it before but it bears repeating: going green, or living a more natural lifestyle, does not have to be difficult. Start by making small changes and you’ll eventually see big results. To get started, consider these 10 things you should never buy again, according to Green America.

1. Styrofoam cups – they are not biodegradable.

2. Paper towels – They waste resources. If you must use them, buy recycled, non-bleached products.

3. Bleached coffee filters – Look for unbleached filters or buy a coffee maker with a reusable filter.

4. Overpackaged foods and products – Look for products with minimal, recyclable or reusable packaging. For example, buy in bulk to cut down on packaging.

5. Teak and mahogany – Using these woods to make furniture contributes to the destruction of tropical rainforests. Instead, reuse wood, buy products made of salvaged materials or look for wood certified by the Forest Stewardship Council.

6. Chemical pesticides and herbicides – According to Green America, Americans use 80 million pounds of pesticides every year. Instead, buy organic pest controllers or utilize native plants like flowers and herbs that act as natural pesticides.

7. Conventional housecleaners – Skip the harsh, hazardous household chemicals. Instead make your own natural and organic cleaners. See our previous blog post for ideas on how to make your own.

8. Higher octane gas – To reduce pollution, buy the lowest octane gas necessary for your vehicle. Other alternatives include buying a hybrid, using publication transportation or carpooling, biking or walking to work.

9. Toys made with PVC plastic – A chemical used to make PVC plastic is a known carcinogen, as are some of the additives in PVC plastic. Avoid plastics labeled PVC or #3. Instead, look for #1 and #2 plastics that are easier to recycle and produce fewer toxins.

10. Plastic forks and spoons – These items are convenient but not typically recyclable. Consider buying compostable silverware or bring your own from home.

Susan Thomas
Cypriana ~ the natural home store

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