In addition, the cultivation of bamboo is eco-friendly due to unique characteristics of the plant, including its natural anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties, as well as a dramatic growth rate, yielding a sustainable crop that replenishes the harvested plant material immediately.

Health Benefits of Bamboo
- Naturally anti-microbial
- Acts as a natural barrier against the sun’s UV rays
Bamboo is Eco-Friendly
- Grows up to one foot per day without the use of fertilizers
- Pest-resistant, preventing chemical use during cultivation
- Absorbs fives time as much carbon dioxide and releases 35% more oxygen compared to equivalent
- Upon harvest, the remaining plant continues to grow without replanting.
Bamboo Fabric
Bamboo fabrics drape like silk, but are machine washable and resist wrinkling naturally. The fibers are porous allowing them to absorb moisture better than traditional fabrics (see our Nandina® towels, which contain a unique blend of bamboo and cotton). The soft, smooth texture is a luxurious material suitable for bedding - feel our DreamSacks® sheets.
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
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