Demand for natural and organic products for baby was so high that Cypriana is now focusing solely on items for babies and parents.
Please visit our new site and see all of the wonderful new products we have to offer, along with your favorites (Ecobaby, Jammies, Mother-Ease and more)!
- Organic clothing and accessories
- Organic bedding
- Organic bath products
- Organic diapers
- Diaper bags
- Gifts
- and so much more!!!
Cypriana ~ organics for baby
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Monday, December 21, 2009
Organic Holidays
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
Here we are again. Nearing the end of 2009, getting ready to launch into 2010 and, hoping against hope that the economy improves, jobs get more plentiful, and our uneasy feelings are pushed aside and replaced with peace and goodwill.
I love almost all things organic, and I want to share this website and book with you, Organic Places to Stay by Linda Moss, a comprehensive guide to organic and sustainable holidays. It details places to visit (and stay) around the world that are eco-friendly and organic.
Enjoy the Inn at Valley Farms, a bed and breakfast in Walpole, New Hampshire, which is situated on 105 acres of certified organic farmland. Or, try a Macrocruise experience. Macrocruise is a sailing yacht charter with certified organic products on board. Macrocruise charters yachts from several bases along the Croatian coast, from Istria and the island of Krk in Northern Adriatic to Sibenik, Primosten, or Dubrovnik down south. They promote a lifestyle that includes the use of organic and environmentally friendly products for nutrition and households, as well as vegetarianism. When you arrive, you will find the fridge and shelves of your onboard kitchen stocked with organic groceries.
In addition to places to stay around the world, you’ll find a Marketplace listing tours, workshops, restaurants, green weddings, organic beer and, of course, a tractor driving lesson at the Gwarmacwydd Farm in Pembrokeshire. Even if you can’t find the time and money this year for a much needed vacation, maybe you’ll find it next year. This is a very worthwhile website to peruse when thinking of your next vacation.
Happy Holidays from Cypriana,
Susan Thomas
Visit Cypriana online for great gift ideas ~ natural and organic products for baby, bed & bath!
Here we are again. Nearing the end of 2009, getting ready to launch into 2010 and, hoping against hope that the economy improves, jobs get more plentiful, and our uneasy feelings are pushed aside and replaced with peace and goodwill.
I love almost all things organic, and I want to share this website and book with you, Organic Places to Stay by Linda Moss, a comprehensive guide to organic and sustainable holidays. It details places to visit (and stay) around the world that are eco-friendly and organic.
Enjoy the Inn at Valley Farms, a bed and breakfast in Walpole, New Hampshire, which is situated on 105 acres of certified organic farmland. Or, try a Macrocruise experience. Macrocruise is a sailing yacht charter with certified organic products on board. Macrocruise charters yachts from several bases along the Croatian coast, from Istria and the island of Krk in Northern Adriatic to Sibenik, Primosten, or Dubrovnik down south. They promote a lifestyle that includes the use of organic and environmentally friendly products for nutrition and households, as well as vegetarianism. When you arrive, you will find the fridge and shelves of your onboard kitchen stocked with organic groceries.
In addition to places to stay around the world, you’ll find a Marketplace listing tours, workshops, restaurants, green weddings, organic beer and, of course, a tractor driving lesson at the Gwarmacwydd Farm in Pembrokeshire. Even if you can’t find the time and money this year for a much needed vacation, maybe you’ll find it next year. This is a very worthwhile website to peruse when thinking of your next vacation.
Happy Holidays from Cypriana,
Susan Thomas
Visit Cypriana online for great gift ideas ~ natural and organic products for baby, bed & bath!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Start a New Holiday Tradition - Eliminate the Usual Gift Giving

The gifts of Christmas should be the togetherness and love of family and friends, good food and music. My family - 2 sons and their wives and my son's father and his wife - decided to stop the Christmas gifts several years ago. We always ended up giving gift certificates to each other because none of us needed anything special at that particular time of year. We have always given to each other all year long when important or meaningful items would appear.
The gift giving has so much more meaning when it's directed to those who have very little or nothing: the gift of a new coat or shoes to a foster child, food to the food banks, money to the local mission for meals for the homeless and volunteering your preciouis time to help those in need.
As the years have passed, both daughters-in-law and their families have stopped the gift giving. And, as we all tell our friends and they tell their friends the movement to stop the meaningless gift giving has started. We still give to the children, but once they graduate from college, they know the stress of gift giving ends. If we teach our children at a very young age how truly special the gift of time and giving of our ourselves can be, we will find that "Peace and Goodwill to All" is not just a Christmas story. You might be surprised how many giving ideas your children can think of, a really special Christmas tradition could begin this year.
Susan Thomas
christmas gifts,
food banks,
gift giving,
Monday, December 7, 2009
Largest Crib Recall in U.S. History - Stork Craft Cribs

Another Crib Recall –
You would think the manufacturers would get it right by now. But not so. How can we change the course of what types of products manufacturers send to the stores? We either buy the product or we don’t buy the product. We as consumers make or break a sale. If we don’t like something, we don’t buy it and it goes away.
A baby crib is where our precious baby sleeps for several years. How can we ever think that it might also kill our precious child? The manufacturers of cribs need to be told to get it right and stop endangering our children. Mothers have a huge voice when it comes to protecting our children. We need to use this voice now.
We need to stop buying the drop side crib. Buy the crib with the stationary sides. If you buy a crib, and after assembly you think the crib is not safe, then take it back to the store and tell them the problem. It may be a hassle to take it back, but it could save the life of your child. If you buy a second hand crib, remember your child’s safety first. There are lots of dangerous drop side cribs sitting in someone’s garage waiting to be sold.
Largest crib recall in U.S. history announced
Suffocation danger tied to 2.1 million drop-side cribs made by Stork Craft.
Crib recall largest in history
Nov. 23: The Consumer Products Safety Commission is planning to announce the largest ever recall of more than 2 million baby cribs with dropdown sides. NBC's Tom Costello reports.
Nightly News
Government safety regulators say more than 2.1 million drop-side cribs by Stork Craft Manufacturing are being recalled, the biggest crib recall in U.S. history.
The Consumer Product Safety Commission says the recall involves 1.2 million cribs in the United States and almost 1 million in Canada, where Stork Craft is based.
Nearly 150,000 of the cribs on recall carry the Fisher-Price logo.
The agency is aware of four deaths of young children who suffocated in the cribs, which have a side that moves up and down to allow parents to lift children from the cribs more easily.
The Stork Craft cribs have had problems with their hardware, which can break, or with assembly mistakes by the crib owner.
The danger is that a child's head can get caught between the mattress and the side railing, if it separates from the crib.
This is not the first time cribs have been recalled due to such fears. Nearly 5 million cribs by several manufacturers have been recalled over the past two years, including half a million from Stork Craft earlier this year, and the CPSC has considered banning drop-down sides altogether.
"Drop-side cribs, because of the amount of hardware that's involved, because it weakens the structure of the crib itself have been involved in numerous deaths and injuries, crib failures where the side may come loose or come off," said Nancy Cowles, of the advocacy group Kids in Danger.
Stork Craft is one of the most widely purchased brand names in baby cribs , with products sold at some of the biggest retailers in the country, including Target, WalMart, Sears and Kmart.
CPSC urges parents and caregivers to immediately stop using the recalled cribs, wait for the free repair kit and avoid attempting to fix the cribs without the kit. They should find an alternative, safe sleeping environment for their baby. Consumers should contact Stork Craft to receive a free repair kit that converts the drop-side on these cribs to a fixed side.
The cribs, which were manufactured and distributed between January 1993 and October 2009, sold for between $100 and $400, and were made in Canada, China and Indonesia.
The manufacture date, model number, crib name, country of origin, and the firm's name, address and contact information are located on the assembly instruction sheet attached to the mattress support board. The firm's insignia "storkcraft baby" or "storkling" is inscribed on the drop-side teething rail of some cribs.

The cribs’ drop-side plastic hardware can break or deform, or parts can become missing. In addition, the drop-side can be installed upside-down, which can result in broken or disengaged plastic parts. All of these problems can cause the drop-side to detach in one or more corners. When the drop-side detaches, it creates space between the drop-side and the crib mattress. The bodies of infants and toddlers can become entrapped in the space, which can lead to suffocation. Complete detachment of drop-sides also can lead to falls from the crib.
CPSC, Health Canada and Stork Craft are aware of 110 incidents of drop-side detachment; 67 incidents occurred in the United States and 43 in Canada. The incidents include 15 entrapments, 12 in the U.S. and three in Canada. Four of the entrapments resulted in suffocation: a 7-month-old in Gouverneur, N.Y.; a 7-month-old in New Iberia, La.; a 6-month-old in Summersville, W.Va.; and a 9-month-old in Bronx, N.Y. Another 20 babies have fallen from their cribs.
Meanwhile, safety experts caution that cribs often stay in homes for generations. If you have one of the cribs in your basement that's been recalled in recent years, fix it or get rid of it. The full list of crib recalls is on the CPSC Web site.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Original story is from MSNBC.
Cypriana ~ natural and organic products for baby, bed & bath
crib recall,
crib safety,
drop-side cribs,
stork craft
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Comfort Yourself Organically During Labor

During pregnancy, it’s easy to think about everything you need to stay organic and keep your baby and yourself healthy. Labor is a whole different story. You need to pack that all important “labor bag,” a bag of everything you need for one of the most important days of your life. How can you make sure you have it all? Maybe your doctor or midwife gave you a list or maybe you did some research yourself. We decided to help you by providing a list of some of those “must have” items to take with you during that special-yet-crazy time:
• Lip balm. There are many options for organic lip balm available on the market. You may not realize it now, but your lips will become very dry; think of all of that labor breathing you will be doing. Keeping your lips moist helps so much with your comfort level. You will have a lot more important things to focus on.
• Lotion. Your lips aren’t the only thing that will be dry. Try one of our many lotion options before, during and after labor. This will help ease those moments of discomfort. Plus your partner will need something to do and a nice back rub will probably hit the spot.
• Towels. Yes, the hospital will have towels for you, but they will definitely not be organic. Sterile, yes, organic, don’t plan on it. You need towels for everything from keeping you cool, to keeping you dry. We offer many sizes and colors (to help from getting them mixed up with those rough, white towels at the hospital).
• Nightgown. Some hospitals will insist you wear those awful, itchy gowns. However, it is your choice, so why not be comfortable? You can find organic hospital gowns online; you can even find gowns ready to help you with nursing without the need of a nursing bra.
• Diaper bag. Even before your bundle of joy arrives, you will start lugging that all important bag. For your first few days, you will need diapers, baby’s going-home outfit, baby socks and hats and organic blankets. You want something durable, cute and, of course, organic. We have it all with so many options.
• Nausea relief. Using ginger root or organic hard candies helps relieve nausea. You can find both at most grocery stores. Have them on hand during labor and your miserable tummy will ease up quickly without any side effects to you or your baby.
Of course, this is a starter list of a few items you may need. Be sure to ask your doctor or midwife if she thinks there is anything else of importance that you should bring. We hope this list will ease your labor and make your day as easy as possible. Best wishes from Cypriana, your one-stop online shop for organic products for baby, bed and bath!
diaper bag,
lip balm,
natural lotion,
organic blankets
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Comforting Moms-to-be

There are so many great organic foods available, but food is not all you will need. Keeping your skin and hair healthy is also important. Using products like our natural lotions, soaps and deodorants keep you healthy and will not be harmful to your baby. Comfort is also important. Our organic linens will help to keep you comfortable without irritating your skin. We also offer BellySocks for those clothing comforts.
Keeping your mind and body free of stress both internally and externally will make your pregnancy easier and more relaxed. The less stress you put on your body, the more comfortable your labor will be. Your baby’s health may be your number one concern, but your baby needs you to be healthy to thrive.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Going Green in 10 Easy Steps
We’ve said it before but it bears repeating: going green, or living a more natural lifestyle, does not have to be difficult. Start by making small changes and you’ll eventually see big results. To get started, consider these 10 things you should never buy again, according to Green America.
1. Styrofoam cups – they are not biodegradable.
2. Paper towels – They waste resources. If you must use them, buy recycled, non-bleached products.
3. Bleached coffee filters – Look for unbleached filters or buy a coffee maker with a reusable filter.
4. Overpackaged foods and products – Look for products with minimal, recyclable or reusable packaging. For example, buy in bulk to cut down on packaging.
5. Teak and mahogany – Using these woods to make furniture contributes to the destruction of tropical rainforests. Instead, reuse wood, buy products made of salvaged materials or look for wood certified by the Forest Stewardship Council.
6. Chemical pesticides and herbicides – According to Green America, Americans use 80 million pounds of pesticides every year. Instead, buy organic pest controllers or utilize native plants like flowers and herbs that act as natural pesticides.
7. Conventional housecleaners – Skip the harsh, hazardous household chemicals. Instead make your own natural and organic cleaners. See our previous blog post for ideas on how to make your own.
8. Higher octane gas – To reduce pollution, buy the lowest octane gas necessary for your vehicle. Other alternatives include buying a hybrid, using publication transportation or carpooling, biking or walking to work.
9. Toys made with PVC plastic – A chemical used to make PVC plastic is a known carcinogen, as are some of the additives in PVC plastic. Avoid plastics labeled PVC or #3. Instead, look for #1 and #2 plastics that are easier to recycle and produce fewer toxins.
10. Plastic forks and spoons – These items are convenient but not typically recyclable. Consider buying compostable silverware or bring your own from home.
Susan Thomas
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
Shop our online store now for all-natural and organic products for baby, bed & bath!
1. Styrofoam cups – they are not biodegradable.
2. Paper towels – They waste resources. If you must use them, buy recycled, non-bleached products.
3. Bleached coffee filters – Look for unbleached filters or buy a coffee maker with a reusable filter.
4. Overpackaged foods and products – Look for products with minimal, recyclable or reusable packaging. For example, buy in bulk to cut down on packaging.
5. Teak and mahogany – Using these woods to make furniture contributes to the destruction of tropical rainforests. Instead, reuse wood, buy products made of salvaged materials or look for wood certified by the Forest Stewardship Council.
6. Chemical pesticides and herbicides – According to Green America, Americans use 80 million pounds of pesticides every year. Instead, buy organic pest controllers or utilize native plants like flowers and herbs that act as natural pesticides.
7. Conventional housecleaners – Skip the harsh, hazardous household chemicals. Instead make your own natural and organic cleaners. See our previous blog post for ideas on how to make your own.
8. Higher octane gas – To reduce pollution, buy the lowest octane gas necessary for your vehicle. Other alternatives include buying a hybrid, using publication transportation or carpooling, biking or walking to work.
9. Toys made with PVC plastic – A chemical used to make PVC plastic is a known carcinogen, as are some of the additives in PVC plastic. Avoid plastics labeled PVC or #3. Instead, look for #1 and #2 plastics that are easier to recycle and produce fewer toxins.
10. Plastic forks and spoons – These items are convenient but not typically recyclable. Consider buying compostable silverware or bring your own from home.
Susan Thomas
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
Shop our online store now for all-natural and organic products for baby, bed & bath!
high octane,
plastic forks,
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Websites We Like
At Cypriana, we are always looking for new ways to go green and to offer green resources to share with our customers. Here are a few favorites:
The Green Guide – This National Geographic site offers “going green” facts, buying guides, informational articles and more.
National Green Pages – a directory of screened & approved green businesses
Climate Action – Green America’s Climate Action Campaign
Fair Trade Action – Economic action to create a just global economy for farmers and artisans
LEAF Certified – Labeling Ecologically Approved Fabrics (LEAF)
Responsible Shopper – An online guide to promoting a responsible economy
Cypriana Home – As an online retailer, we are proud to offer products for baby, bed and bath that are all-natural or organic.
Susan Thomas
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
Shop our online store now for all-natural and organic products for baby, bed & bath!
The Green Guide – This National Geographic site offers “going green” facts, buying guides, informational articles and more.
National Green Pages – a directory of screened & approved green businesses
Climate Action – Green America’s Climate Action Campaign
Fair Trade Action – Economic action to create a just global economy for farmers and artisans
LEAF Certified – Labeling Ecologically Approved Fabrics (LEAF)
Responsible Shopper – An online guide to promoting a responsible economy
Cypriana Home – As an online retailer, we are proud to offer products for baby, bed and bath that are all-natural or organic.
Susan Thomas
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
Shop our online store now for all-natural and organic products for baby, bed & bath!
fair trade,
go green,
green pages,
gren pages,
LEAF certified,
national geographic
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
8 Body Care Toxins to Avoid
When you shop for body and hair care products, avoid products with these potentially harmful ingredients:
1. Mercury and thimerosal
2. Lead or lead acetate
3. Nanoparticles
4. Placenta
5. Hydroquinone skin lightener
6. Phthalates
7. Petroleum by-products (e.g., 1,4-dioxane)
8. Fragrance
Thanks to Green America for providing these useful tips for going green.
Susan Thomas
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
Shop our online store now for all-natural and organic products for baby, bed & bath!
1. Mercury and thimerosal
2. Lead or lead acetate
3. Nanoparticles
4. Placenta
5. Hydroquinone skin lightener
6. Phthalates
7. Petroleum by-products (e.g., 1,4-dioxane)
8. Fragrance
Thanks to Green America for providing these useful tips for going green.
Susan Thomas
Cypriana ~ the natural home store
Shop our online store now for all-natural and organic products for baby, bed & bath!
100% organic cotton,
Friday, October 9, 2009
Cypriana's Kent Store is Closing
Dear Customers,
This is a sad day for Cypriana, but we have to tell you that, due to the current economic conditions, we have decided to close our downtown Kent store. Our closing date is October 30, 2009.
Storewide sales are happening now:
Towels and Bedding - 30% discount
All other items - 20% discount
Furniture & Fixtures - Priced as marked
Our website will continue to operate, and you may order 24/7 through the web store.
Thank you for your support.
Susan Thomas, Cypriana
This is a sad day for Cypriana, but we have to tell you that, due to the current economic conditions, we have decided to close our downtown Kent store. Our closing date is October 30, 2009.
Storewide sales are happening now:
Towels and Bedding - 30% discount
All other items - 20% discount
Furniture & Fixtures - Priced as marked
Our website will continue to operate, and you may order 24/7 through the web store.
Thank you for your support.
Susan Thomas, Cypriana
kent store,
storewide sales,
web store
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